Phil Bendle Collection:Mould (Slime) Toothpaste (Lycogala epidendrum): Difference between revisions

Latest revision as of 15:14, 24 September 2019

Kingdom: Amoebozoa
Phylum: Mycetozoa
Class: Myxogastria
Order: Liceida
Family: Reticulariaceae
Genus: Lycogala
Species: L. epidendrum
Binomial name: Lycogala epidendrum
Synonym: Lycoperdon epidendrum, Lycogala miniatum
Common name: Wolf's milk slime or Toothpaste slime

Lycogala epidendrum is a cosmopolitan slime mould found growing on decaying wood and is found throughout New Zealand. The sporangial phase of this slime is a 3 to 15 mm wide sporocarp (fruiting body). These sporocarps usually are in small groups.
The warted or roughened cortex of these fruit bodies are at first pink to coral red or orange to cream when young. At this stage, the flesh is a pinkish, paste-like substance (like toothpaste hence the common name). With mature, the fruit body darkens yellow/brown/black.

The sporangial phase of this slime is a 3 to 15 mm wide sporocarp (fruiting body). The Sporocarp developing
Lycogala epidendrum sporocarps.JPG

Next, the orange-pink fruiting body develops.
[ Lycogala epidendrum.JPG
The fruiting bodies changing to brown.
Lycogala epidendrum-004.JPG

Lycogala epidendrum-002.JPG

Mature Sporocarp of Lycogala epidendrum starting to split.
Lycogala epidendrum sporocarps-001.JPG 

Sporocarp of Lycogala epidendrum rupturing releasing spores
Lycogala epidendrum sporocarps-002.JPG 

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: