Phil Bendle Collection:Beetle (Longhorn Citrus) Anoplophora chinensis: Difference between revisions

Latest revision as of 11:23, 24 September 2019

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Cerambycidae
Subfamily: Lamiinae
Tribe: Monochamini
Genus: Anoplophora
Species: A. chinensis
Binomial name: Anoplophora chinensis
Common name: Citrus long-horned beetle

Anoplophora chinensis is a long-horned beetle native to Japan, China and Korea, where it is considered a serious pest. 
One was found in New Zealand. See report:   

Anoplophora chinensis attacks living hardwood and fruit trees, especially citrus trees (orange, lemon, mandarin). Some other host trees include Salix spp.(willows), Betula (birch), Populus (poplar), Quercus (oaks), Olea europea (Olives), Prunus spp, Sophora sp., Robinia, Ulmus spp (elms), and many others.

Anoplophora chinensis is a stout beetle approximately 21 to 37 mm long with shiny black elytra marked with 10 to 12 white round spots. The difference between males and females is antennal size. The male's antennae are approximately twice as long as the body when compared to the female's antennae which are only slightly longer than the body. Each segment of the long, 11-segmented antennae is basally marked with white or light blue bands.
Adults feed on the tender bark of small twigs and branches, and sometimes on leaf-stalks. The female also chews through the bark of the host tree to lay her eggs. Larvae feed and develop in the wood of the main roots and trunks, making tunnels in the wood. The trees are weakened by the larval attack and are readily susceptible to diseases and wind damage. Serious infestation causes tree decay and a decrease of fruit yield in orchards.

If you find this exotic beetle here in New Zealand you must be reported it to NZ Biosecurity by phoning their Hotline 24/7    0800 80 99 66 

1-Anoplophora malasiaca .jpg  

1-Anoplophora chinensis .jpg  
Thanks to Wikipedia for text and Information: