Project Overview
A collaborative initiative underpinned by a holistic and interconnected, Maori world view that brings together hapū, marae, kura, schools, and community groups to build awareness and encourage participation in kaitiakitanga. Specifically the characterisation and connectivity of taonga species inside and outside Tapuae Marine Reserve and Ngā Motu/Sugar Loaf Islands Marine Protected Area (SLIMPA), and benthic structures further offshore.
Ngāti Te Whiti Hapū , Ngā Mahanga A Tairi Hapū, Oakura Pā, Te Kahui o Taranaki Trust, Ngā Motu Marine Reserve Society, Te Pi'ipi'inga Kakano Mai Rangiatea, Taranaki Mounga Project, Oceans Alive, Happy Chaddy’s Charter’s, Project Reef Life.