Last edited 4 years ago
by Elise

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Revision as of 16:25, 25 May 2020 by Elise (talk | contribs)

You may wish to add a citizen science project report to your wiki page. Below are some screenshots of the process, and a pdf document which has been added this way. A pdf is treated as a media file in the wiki.

This is the end result - a line in the project which indicates that your have a media file, a pdf. When you click on the hyperlink, the Report pdf opens in a new page of the browser. This is the most secure system, and simple.

1. The report has to be loaded as as media. If you continue the standard process to display it, it will be cumbersome to open. Like this, File:demo report pdf.pdf

2. So it is best, once it is in the system, to find the upload in 'My edits' in the left hand pane, under the the file icon. right 250

3. Write the text you want to show, like

Demo report using pdf

4. Then link this text to your document, using an external link

So it then shows up on your page as this: Demo Report using pdf