Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:     Arthropoda
Class:        Insecta
Order:       Odonata
Family:      Corduliidae
Genus:      Antipodochlora
Species:     A. braueri
Binomial name: Antipodochlora braueri
Synonyms: Epitheca braueri
Common name: Dusk dragonfly

Antipodochlora braueri is a common crepuscular (hence its common name), forest inhabiting species of dragonfly. It is endemic to North Island of New Zealand where it is widely distributed throughout the island.  Adults occur mainly in forested areas with slow-flowing streams.

Antipodochlora braueri Dawn dragonfly-001.JPG 

Antipodochlora braueri Dawn dragonfly.JPG
Antipodochlora braueri Dawn dragonfly-002.JPG

Photo showing wing venation.
Antipodochlora braueri Dawn dragonfly-004.JPG 

Terminal appendages of a male and female dragonfly. Their shape and size are unique to each species.
(Species shown in photograph below is Hemicordulia australiae).
The terminal male abdominal appendages are called claspers and are formed by a pair of upper appendages, called cerci, and a single lower appendage, an epiproct.1-rear appendages dragonflies.jpg

The nymph of Antipodochlora braueri (Dusk dragonfly. They live in a wide range of habitats, from swamps and lakes to clear, swift flowing, mountain streams.
Antipodochlora braueri nymph-004.jpg

Antipodochlora braueri nymph-002.jpg

The ventral side.
Antipodochlora braueri nymph.jpg

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information