Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Calliphoridae
Genus: Lucilia
Species: L. sericata
Binomial name: Lucilia sericata
Synonyms: Phaenicia sericata. Lucilia nobilis, Musca nobilis, Musca sericata.
Common name: Common greenbottle. This name also refers to Lucilia Caesar.

The common green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) is a common blow-fly found in most areas of the world, and the most well-known of the numerous green bottle fly species. It is 10–14 mm long, slightly larger than a housefly, and has brilliant, metallic, blue-green or golden colouration with black markings. It has black bristle-like hair and three cross-grooves on the thorax. The wings are clear with light brown veins, and the legs and antennae are black. The maggots (larvae) of the fly are used for maggot therapy. 
This insect is also typical to most fly species by having three instar stages, a pre-pupa stage, and a pupa stage.
L. sericata is common all over the world, mainly the southern hemisphere. It is coastal in its distribution and prefers warm and moist climates. The female will lay her eggs in meat, fish, animal corpses, infected wounds of humans or animals, and excrement. The larvae of this fly feed on mainly decomposing tissue. Unlike L. cuprina, L. sericata does not usually infest live sheep.

Common Green Bottle Fly Lucilia sericata .JPG

Lucilia sericata Common Green Bottle.JPG

Lucilia sericata Common Green Bottle-2.JPG   

Common Green Bottle Fly Lucilia sericata .JPG

Lucilia sericata Common Green Bottle-1.JPG

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information