Kingdom: Plantae
Species: M. kermadecensis
Scientific name: Metrosideros kermadecensis
Common name: Kermadec pohutukawa
Kermadec pohutukawa (Metrosideros kermadacensis) is an evergreen dominant tree of the myrtle family which is endemic to the volcanic Kermadec Islands which are more than 1,000 kilometres north-east of New Zealand (NZ territory). It has been widely planted in mainland New Zealand, where it grows as a compact tree up to 15 metres tall with a trunk is up to 1 m or more in diameter. It has smaller, rounder leaves than New Zealand pohutukawa, and flowers sporadically through the year.
Metrosideros kermadacensis with waxyeye .Photographed from location Lat 39 3'42.378" S Long 174 5'40.418E Datum WGS 84