Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Caprinae
Genus: Hemitragus
Species: H. jemlahicus
Binomial name: Hemitragus jemlahicus
Common names: Himalayan tahr, Tahr, Thar

Hemitragus jemlahicus is a large even-toed ungulate native to the Himalayas in southern Tibet, northern Pakistan, northern India and Nepal. 
Hemitragus jemlahicus were introduced to New Zealand in 1904 as game meat and quickly spread over approximately 1.7 million hectares of the central South Island – spanning the Southern Alps from the headwaters of Canterbury's Rakaia River to the Young Range of Otago. Their habitat is at high altitudes in alpine grasslands and sub-alpine shrublands. They have had a negative effect on snow tussocks (Chionochloa pallens, C. flavescens or C. rigida and their hybrids). They have also impacted on the shorter Festuca tussock species and on rare or vulnerable species, such as the Ranunculus and the native brooms (Carmichaelia spp.). Hemitragus jemlahicus are now classed as a pest animal and can be hunted all year round, however, there are restrictions around aerial access to some areas.

Hemitragus jemlahicus are large, horned, goat-like animals with adult males measuring up to just over one metre at shoulder height. Mature adult females seldom weigh more than 36 kg while adult males have been known to weigh as much as 136 kg.
Hemitragus jemlahicus are well adapted to harsh climates. In winter bull Hemitragus jemlahicus sport a thick, reddish to dark brown pelt with a lighter coloured mane and a more or less distinct dark stripe on their back. Their coats thin with the end of winter and they become lighter in colour. Females are usually a lighter colour than the male. The horns are curved backwards, preventing injury during mating season when headbutting is a common mating ritual among males. Birthing occurs during November-January.

1-Himalayan Tahr IMG 8411.jpg

An adult male
1-Himalayan Tahr.jpg 

A distribution map of the Himalayan tahr (pink area)

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: