Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Common bully) Gobiomorphus cotidianus Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Giant) Gobiomorphus gobioides Phil Bendle Collection:Dune lake galaxias (Galaxias gracilis) Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Australian longfinned) Anguilla reinhardtii Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Longfin) Anguilla dieffenbachii Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Shortfin eel) Anguilla australis Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Redfin bully) Gobiomorphus huttoni Phil Bendle Collection:Whitebait (Galaxias maculatus) Pages in category 'Fish (New Zealand Freshwater)' The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. B Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Common bully) Gobiomorphus cotidianus Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Giant) Gobiomorphus gobioides Phil Bendle Collection:Bully (Redfin bully) Gobiomorphus huttoniD Phil Bendle Collection:Dune lake galaxias (Galaxias gracilis)E Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Australian longfinned) Anguilla reinhardtii Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Longfin) Anguilla dieffenbachii Phil Bendle Collection:Eel (Shortfin eel) Anguilla australisW Phil Bendle Collection:Whitebait (Galaxias maculatus)